Our nutritionist-dietician and nutritional coach will carry out a dietary study as well as measurement of body fat, weight, muscle mass, water, in the different parts of the body as well as the basal metabolism…etc. In order to make a nutritional plan adapted to your objectives, needs, tastes, habits, pace of life, etc. The individualised and personalised diet will be a Mediterranean type diet with healthy foods for an optimal state of physical and emotional health.

Diet for overweight or obesity.
Diet for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
Diet for type I and II diabetes
Diet for digestive diseases
Diet for pregnancy and breastfeeding
Diet for food intolerances and allergies.
Diet for sportsmen and women.
Diet for children
Eating behaviour disorders.

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Personalised diet

Nowadays, thanks to the new technologies, distances do not exist. With Skype connection we can contact you to make a dietary consultation and you will receive your personalised diet at home easily and quickly. 1st consultation opening of dietary history + diet. Following consultations with follow-up + diet with menu for 2 weeks.